How to get acclimatized

And, most want to spend your holiday in hot countries, where being caressed by sunlight, you can swim in the clear blue sea or ocean, where the exotic - just a lifestyle.

But not all think about what you are moving far enough and they find themselves in a completely different climate zone, our body is exposed to certain stresses, that is, we are waiting for the process of acclimatization. If this process will not safely or will be delayed, and our bodies will fail, vacation you will be considered spoiled.

Of course, it all depends on the health state of his body, lifestyle and age. Some learn fast in a hot climate,but all the others have quite a long time to acclimate.

But there are certain rules for long distance trips, observing that, and for a long period of acclimatization,and its negative consequences can be avoided.

The best way to cross climatic zones gradually, in such a case, it would be ideal to travel by car. But most often, in hot countries I fly.
So, tips:

1. Try not to sleep on the plane for 2-3 hours before he landed. Awake the body will easier adapt to the new environment and you have time to go to bed. If sleep still does not work, you can take sedatives with herbs or drops. A quiet walk before bedtime also promises a good sleep and awake state in the morning.

2. In the first days of arrival do not aspire to visit distant excursions.

3. The first couple days don't get carried away with local cuisine. To avoid problems with stomach and intestinal disorders, choose dishes that are familiar to you. The meals better get used to it gradually.

4. Very important! Do not eat large quantities of seafood, usually consisting of a protein, which is very difficult to digest.

5. Eliminate drinking water from the tap, quench your thirst with mineral bottled water. It is also desirable to wash up and brush your teeth. Don't forget that in a hot and humid climate I live multiple germs and bacteria.

6. The first couple of days approaches in water for bathing should not exceed 15 min. Sunburn in the first days of the recommended two times a day for 15-20 min.

When acclimatization is good help adaptogens (tincture of Eleutherococcus, ginseng root), supporting overall body. Before to going on a journey you need to be purchased necessary things, but is not particularly to spend much money, you can buy used things for example on, so you will save a lot of money.

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By 9jatravel / Administrator, bbp_keymaster

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on Jun 07, 2015

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